
My Melancholy Baby.

I'll feign my "surprise" that the ONLY thing you can add in the first hand,is "might","maybe" and "if"...were you not such a Do Nothing Dumbfhuqk.

Bless your heart.



Just as some songs need more Cow Bell,you need more Avatar.

I'll feign my "surprise" that even a Clueless Lying Piece Of fhuqking Schit such as yourself,replete with Imaginary Pretend Ignore...KNOWS better than to try and say anything in the first hand,about anything regarding The Rifle. Perhaps you can muster enough Imagination and Pretend,to conjure the Delusion I've never suffered a 300H&H. Dare ya' to "try".


Fascinatinger than fhuqk,that while your were Bitching,I was Fishing(more accurately CATCHING) and shooting more than a smidge. Hint.

Been feelin' bad for the 1141-S GLX,as a beloved 1141-S GL3 tends to default to the front of the pack. Tried to right that wrong,by lettin' it bank (2) victims,in as many casts.


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Can you even fhuqking remember the last time you made a cast or fired a shot in the REAL Outdoors?!?

Didn't think so.

Bless your heart.



Your Whine is fhuqking MAGNIFICENT...you "lucky" kchunt.




I enjoy that you "think" that your being a Clueless Do Nothing Brokedick Turd Polisher,is part of a well "thought out" "plan",to your "advantage". Congratulations?!?

I'm crying...I'm laughing sooooooooooo fhuqking hard!

Bless your heart and long live The "Miracle" of your Imaginary Pretend Ignore!



REALLY enjoyed your Do Nothing Safe Queen Schit Show and points are always awarded,for windage adjustable bases. Laughing! You poor poor(literally) STUPID fhuqk!

Weather blew the fhuqk up today.


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Betwixt rivers,I rattled through a coupla hunnert 105's through a certain 18.5" 270,got GOOD dope on a certain Six Twat-Six out to the 1850yd line...as well as tuned the 2nd lot of Virgins,which weigh 13grs more than the 1st so speeds were consistent(.6gr less '22 to yield same). Broke yet another reticle on a 10/22,stretched the Faux MK12 SPR a goodly amount with it's new found "up" via the ADM Recon 30MOA Flipper-flapper(1600yd line),shot come-ups on a fresh lot of Hummer ammo in The Baddest Hummer On The Planet and ran the Kimber/Marvel Unit One conversion through it's paces because 22/45's have been getting all the trigger time.

Got gypped on the Mail,as there was no Annie 54 laying in wait nor a Burris FF3 3MOA dot. Coulda caught a coupla more feesh!

I reckon you came REAL close to almost getting off your kchunt today. Almost!

Bless your heart.



I see you still "don't care",you fhuqking Magnificent Whining Do Nothing Kchunt.




Lotsa folks have tried,but it ain't ever come close to "working".(grin)

Never have seen a Reupold scope and am still savin'!



I reckon I'm plum flattered,that your every Post has me at least partially disrobed. Your taste in men ain't to be slighted,you LUCKY kchunt.

Bless your heart.


As an aside,just how close did you get to going Outdoors today? I mean on a scale of 1 to 10?



I've never felt compelled to apologize for having high standards.

Likely never will.



When working yourself up for a many months away Titty-Shoot...what sorta mindset to you go through,so as to stay in the groove?!?


Wow +PP+++!...............

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."