Originally Posted by KodiakHntr
Originally Posted by 1Nut
Dammit. And here I thought you might actually know something I don't. It's cuter than a speckled puppy that you might want to come to the rescue of your BFF. Then couldn't. Laffin.

Stick doesn't need anyone to rescue him.... Just wanted to point out that if you are going to try and belittle someone on something you thought you read, you might want to double check that you actually read it correctly.

Kind of sad and funny at the same time, that you did the same with my post....

And yet you tried... That's what's pitiful, and funny at the same time. Ever heard the work 'imply'? Similar to 'hint' which even Stick seems to know the meaning of. How about 'comprehension'? Laffin!


Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson