
At least you can "afford" to read about The Outdoors and gawk at the pics.

You "lucky" kchunt.

Sure is awesum there Schtick...

ain't the innernet great???

Thanks for showing the pics of your rust camo pattern... noticed ya even camo'ed the magazine box, follower and bolt with that rust pattern....

So now I get it... real men have rusty rifles...

Gay mean are the ones that have properly lubed rifles, clean bores etc....

Since I'm being lead to water, I'm taking notes...

so I can "thank ya later"....

you keep posting stumpy and I'll keep watching the innernet for all the pictures.. so I can impress all the other kouchKunts I know locally....

you're just so Friggin AweSUM!!

hope you can understand this since I don't speak AK Trailer Park BackWoods Gibberish...

but I do speak Canadian! Eh?