Well, point out some obvious nonsense then.

What I do know, is that Stick has always been more than gracious to actual questions asked, with enough solid knowledge that is freely given that pans out exactly as indicated. That is rare.

Come out swinging with stuff you think you know, and it's pretty likely that you are going to get your nose rubbed in it, whether you are smart enough to realize it or not.

I couldn't care less if guys want to joust with Stick, but at least if you are going to crow and crow and crow about something you thought he said, be man enough to back it up and post a link.

As for "real world" there are enough guys on the other board, that know him personally and shoot with him, that back this stuff up. There are enough guys that shoot with him that it creates SHORTAGES of RIFLES when he talks about something new that he's using, and guys try it for themselves. Point out ANY poster on here that has sold as many systems as Stick, that won't see a single penny of revenue from those sales.

Last edited by KodiakHntr; 02/12/16. Reason: Added some [bleep].

Originally Posted by Someone
Why pack all that messy meat out of the bush when we can just go to the grocery store where meat is made? Hell,if they sold antlers I would save so much money I could afford to go Dolphin fishing. Maybe even a baby seal safari.