Originally Posted by KodiakHntr
Well, what kind of stuff?

Or the stuff where he talks about real world ballistics, guns, twist, velocity, etc, ...

Well, that is if you believe there's much "real world" in it. On the rare occasions when he's actually offering information, rather than the same very tired lines about how great he is, how much everyone else sucks, and the same repetitive photos from years ago, you have to take that information with a pretty big grain of salt. Some of it is quite obviously nonsense. It is then a question as to whether you can trust any of the rest, and whether it is worth wading through the thigh deep bulls..t to find it.

Personally, I've only read his stuff for comedy value, and even there it is getting tired. He just doesn't seem to be putting any effort in. It's like watching a second rate sitcom after a few repeats. The bloke really needs to freshen up his schtick.