
You ain't connected a dot yet in your "Life" and Today sure as fhuqk wasn't gonna be The Day. Hint. Laughing!

HORRID conditions today.

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It's never been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't,but "luckily" for you...you "get" to read about it. Congratulations?!?


The newest Twat-Six done OK,with pokes #5,6 and 7 doing this at the 100yd line,but it will certainly improve once moly is laid right the fhuqk down. Google it. Laughing!

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Skinned .5 MOA outta it,to realize a 200yd zero,set the 'stop and will flog the fhuqk outta it in the next coupla days,so as to let it get Famous and then off it fhuqking goes,for THE Cure.

It's destined by default,to be a fhuqking Crowd Pleaser in Finished Guise.


As an aside,what didja' almost "do" today?!?

Bless your heart................


I'll yet again feign my "surprise",that you gave ALL things The Rifle an exceedingly wide berth. Bless your heart.

Here...I'll dangle a pic from today,to fuel the fire of your Imagination and grease the skids of your Pretend. Just might could be tied to the crux and a touch more than germane. Google it. Hint.

Nod your head.

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Hopefully roads will be cleared by morning,the lights will stay on and the feesh will forgive my givin' 'em a pass...while Shootin' all day.

All you Do Nothing Dumbfhuqkers bolted together for a month of tryin',wouldn't knock the guts out of a slow Wednesday's afternoon. Congratulations?!?

You "hard chargers" are a fhuqking hoot and REALLY "know" your stuff.


Wow +P+++!..................


Don't forget how much you "don't care". Laughing!

I'm kinda partial to colors and never learned how to ride a couch like you...you "lucky" kchunt.

Summer Color.

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Winter Color.

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Fall Color.

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I've never even heard of a 105...do tell.


You STUPID Fhuqks are a gawwdamned riot!....................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."