
It is funnier than fhuqk that you equate Gub'ment Spending,as a barometer of "evaluation". Again,how many hours of flight time accrued in your "career"? Embellish as you MUST and Lie as you DO. Congratulations?!?

Again,re-again...when was the last time you made a cast or fired a shot in the REAL Outdoors? Round by decade,if it "helps". Laughing!

Bless your heart.



Your kchunt left the couch yet?

Mebbe next year.

Bless your heart.



I enjoy how your STUPIDITY,grants you the fhuqking Delusion,that your Do Nothing Dumbfhuqkery is a cagey ploy and Secret Squirrel "advantage". Congratulations?!?

Now you be sure to "tell" me all about The Rifle and "particulars"...you Drooling Dumbfhuqk.

Bless your heart.



At least you can "afford" Imagination and Pretend,so you can "contribute". Congratulations?!? You "lucky" kchunt.

This stuff is all "new" to me.


[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

I know,I know...you "don't care". Laughing!

GREAT time for you to scour The Interweb,so you can plagiarize more pics and obliviously quantify your Do Nothing Dumbfhuqkery,even more.

Bless your heart.



I enjoy your Imagination and it's Pretend,almost nearly as much as you do...though for very different reason(s). Congratulations?!? You "lucky" kchunt.

Manage any BIG Weekend Trip "Adventures" in your Soccer Mom Bitch Mobile? Didn't think so. How close didja' get,to going Outdoors? Whore-Hey! close or Shefire close?!? You "hard chargers" are a fhuqking RIOT.

Bless your heart.



The bottom of the barrel drive The Short Bus.

'Course she knows it too.



You can't drive by,without putting a dick in your mouth...you "lucky" kchunt.

The only thing you can "do" in the first hand is Whine and make Excuses. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



Visibility has been poor since my arrival to The Salt Mine...sumptin' do with the wind and ammo.

Inordinate temps at nearly 10 above and only a 65 degree or so ambient swing,from the house.

Wish it were flat here.



Been a spell,since I've been on a good Salamander Shoot.

I wonder if a FWB 300S and 10x Fixed Fhuqker would do?

Yep...I think you are right...........(grin)


You suck a mean ass...you "lucky" kchunt.


Bless your heart.



Don't slight the "magnitude" of being a Geriatric Candy Striper,you MAGNIFICENT Whining Kchunt.

Was talking to a 22yr old kid here,yesterday and was giving him schit. I said "do you know what they call people,who make as much as you?!"...he sheepishly shrugged his shoulders and I said "a DOCTOR". We both laughed.

Like YOU could afford a chainsaw?!?

Bless your heart..you Brokedick Turd Polishing Do Nothing Drooling Dumbfhuqk.



Asked fredrica to "tell" you about MOA and Mils...then get back to me on The Dumbfhuqktitude Quotient.




Dumb Don/Savage99 "does" more than Shefire and it's a literal Drag Race,for Dumbfhuqktitude. I reckon the pun be intended. Laughing!

Bless their hearts...............


Do tell about a Windage Adjustable Rear Cot Rifle and the "standards" requisite to "make" The Bitch Book. I see you "managed" to catch a field full of Titties and a Dink,during your "hard charging" "Adventures". Congratulations?!?

Wax eloquent on your African Lady Bitch Rifle and the "parameters" used to pinpoint the selection.

Bless your heart.



BITCHIN' pic. Congratulations?!?

No wonder you plagiarize soooooooooo much...it's the ONLY fhuqking move you've got!

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."