Originally Posted by Big Stick

You Fhuqking CLUELESS Do Nothing Whining Kchunt,that piece of fhuqking schit "stock" is a HOOT! Congratulations?!?

A numbers matching M40A1 Return,is as far as I'd dare Retrostalgic...though I only have a couple. Google it and bask in the seet "satisfaction" of being able to say you've seen one. You "lucky" kchunt.


[Linked Image]

Hell,it's been nearly a year since I've murdered a Bear.

Now you can say you've "seen" one THIS big. You "lucky" kchunt.


[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

I reckon I'll kill one on this 2 week vacation,unless I get hung up Dredging Chrome. Ain't it fhuqking hilarious,that we both KNOW,you'll be checking in hourly to "live" vicariously and gawk the stellar pixels?!?

Hardest part is,deciding which rifle to use.

Bless your heart.


Little Dick,

Did that M40A1 return come with the authentic, decommissioned stock offered by McMillan in the package deal? Did you get the cert too? You stupid little Garden Gnome. Laffin'.

You lying little pizda (another one you don't need to Google). Same friggin pic of the same damn bear AGAIN! I'm laffin' my arse off. It's incredibly obvious you've taken some pics of that same little blackie a couple of times 17 years ago. It's a shame you didn't kill it since that would be a match made in heaven. Both of you little, and bald! look back in your 1984 files and show us the one of that same photogenic rabbit with your 'sis next time. Hilarious!

Last edited by 1Nut; 03/15/16.


Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson