
A blued piece of fhuqking schit,ain't pot stirrin'...when it's your BEST fhuqking effort. Congratulations?!?

I've never seen a Seven,let alone a Good 'Un in S/S wearing Skookum Glass. Mebbe cite some "particulars",about the glass,reticle,COAL,boolits,barrel and the like?


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Points awarded for Retards and Loudeners!. I'm fhuqing crying...I'm laughing sooooooooooo hard.

I've never seen a 308.


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Or S/S.

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You REALLY get "after it".

Bless your heart,you CLUELESS Drooling Dumbfhuqk.



You were almost brazen enough,to say sumptin' about The Rifle or The Outdoors. ALMOST.

Very GOOD fhuqking call to suck a Window Lickers ass,instead.


You "lucky" kchunt.

Bless your heart.



You are REALLY running that rifle through it's paces. Congratulations?!?



"Thinking" ain't your gig,other than to fixate your Cockly Fantasies.

You'll haveta' pardon my not felling compelled to "apologize" for putting 100,000,000+ board feet on the ground and I weren't slighting your Peckerpole Pursuits...mainly because it is wayyyyyyyyyyyy fhuqking funnier when you brandish such hilarity,totally obliviously. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Have it on good authority,that the 270 broke enough spirits yesterday,that a beloved 1-8" Brux 243AI got yarded off and a 1-8" 6XC is going on,in order to ride a MDT LSS at no more than 20". Google it.

Though it looks like this.


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It is with great disappointment,that I report that the rains waned overnight and Chrome takes the backseat to Trigger Time,as per Today's agenda. Need to air out The BMFOTP,squirt a leetle Electric Chair and form for The Rock.

Now you don't beat yourself up,that all of them things is beyond your "abilities","means" and "comprehension" as not to sway the "good fortune" of your Flat Land Limb Draggin'.

Bless your heart.



You never did cite just what it is,that you "do" for a "living". Ain't it funnier than fhuqk that it keeps you from turning a lick,but really do bolster your Imagination and it's Pretend,by literal default?!? You "lucky" kchunt. Laughing!


Bless your heart.



Dangle some pics of your "High Zoot" wares...I assure you,it will be FUNNIER than fhuqk! I'm unfamiliar with said projectiles and .30cals. Laughing!

82% on clays?!? No wonder you've a Blue Parking Permit. Congratulations?!?

No wonder how vital your Imagination and it's Pretend are to you. You "lucky" kchunt.

Bless your heart.



Find me "mistaken",you Amazingly STUPID Fhuqk.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."