Originally Posted by K22

I for one am choosing to that Q is authentic based on reason. But you are correct in the fact that at some point we will know one way or the other.

Think logistics and strategy. In a game of chess if you tell your opponent your moves before hand, the game is lost before it even gets started. All of the chess figures are running for cover and all you have is one figure. As for the low hanging fruit, many of those are being arrested. Hasn't the MSM told you that? Hhmmm. If you want to stop this evilness for good, you need to get all the players, no escapees, therefore you need to find the one thread they all have in common and go after that "WITHOUT" telegraphing your play. Perjury is hardly worth dealing with, but now Human Trafficking, there's an evil thread that ties all them together and Trump hasn't said much about it. I wonder why? Hhmm. Not showing his hand may have something to do with it.

It’s hard to believe that ALL the bad actors involved in fraud and government corruption are stupid enough, or morally debased enough, to participate in child molestation. Human beings are just not wired that way.

We all know people who steal and cheat but would never harm a child.

The “ human trafficking thread “ seems geared more to selecting something that ALL good folks can rally against.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place