Note file name. PREPARE. You do know that you are in a special position with the knowledge you've gained through Q to help those who aren't up to speed, right?

Loved ones/friends can transition to knowing the horrible truths of what's happened with your help. You can help ease the pain when the truth breaks through the fog.

Patriots/MAGA now is the time to step up and LEAD THE WAY. Remember to be of service to those in need.

This period of the transition will bring many, many fence sitters, centrist dems and people who were already beginning to think for themselves into the MAGA fold. But not everybody can be helped.

The lunatic fringe liberals will cling even more desperately to their scripted msm toe-the-party-line drivel. Some will never open their minds. These will be lost. They have made their choice and, in the end, their numbers will be so small as to make them essentially non-existent and irrelevant. Perhaps we can build a wall along the Kalifornia border and relocate them there in their fantasy socialist utopia?
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