Thank you,, along those same lines,it seems to me ,that the "snarky" comments may be a plead for for help? some of course arent, but in any case one is either,AWARE, becoming aware,or straddling the fence,,AWARE is the most dangeous,, you are either for or against whatever topic,and you will wholeheartedly buy in to your beliefs, Becoming aware is when you will do your homework an decide if your the white or the dark, the fence straddlers, who are the majority,are just there,, they drink the koolaid of the month,stick their head in the sand and wait for things to improve their life, wthe only danger they really represent is they are a heavy weight to be dragged along ,, there are really only 2 types of peaople i described. Talkers and walkers,, Walkers walk the walk without talk,, Talkers talk walkers into walking for them then talk about all the walking theyve done,,