" there are really only 2 types of peaople i described. Talkers and walkers,, Walkers walk the walk without talk,, Talkers talk walkers into walking for them then talk about all the walking theyve done,,"

Well said. Reminds of another story. A very brave Lady I know acquired quite honestly the title Commandante Betty Lou, which is another story for another time. Anyway, Betty would go to most of the political events and sit and listen to the political speakers. When the events were done and everyone was standing around talking and drinking coffee, she would go up to the speakers and ask them why should she vote for them. And of course they would start with their political platforms and ideas and she would stop them. Then she would get right in their face and I do mean right in there, and she would say, "I'm a fruit inspector, I see your lips moving, where's the fruit" laugh
I generally would try and get close to her when this would be happening to see the expression on their faces. It made me giggle every time. ………………………...Matthew 7:15-20