Originally Posted by hosfly
OR, our military leaders,along with some honest patriots, are keeping their oath of defendending the constitution from all enemies ,, Its no secret that our gov officials have been selling America bit by bit to the rest of the world, weakening it to near collapse, The Q movement is exposing this to the public, Nothing more, so when yall think K or whip has all the answers, they have the same info yall get, they search for their own answers on the same internet yal hav,, But you wanna crucify them and demand from them their answers? and hold their feet to the fire if their answer that you begged for and virtualy demand, doesnt conform with yalls?,, They are better men than I ! true patriots! I'd tell yall to get fuQ'd

I'm a 13 year Army vet, and will do my damnedest to uphold the oath I took to defend the Constitution. That being said, here are my thoughts about the why's, where and how's of Q. And before you venture off to 8ch and the q board, heed this warning. It's full of bad actors. Every three letter agency is there. People with very bad intentions watch that board. Don't believe me? Then think of the need for it to be an anonymous board to begin with. As Q has stated, "This isn't a game, it's war.".

Most can't comprehend why Q communicates with who and where he does it and why. Those autist on qresearch are rabid dogs when it comes to digging info. Q ideas posed in a question causes curiosity. That curiosity leads to digging, which reveals the truth. In a nut shell, Q drops are the marching orders for the qresearch army. The autist take the truth to the normies to slow roll the info. Most Americans could not handle all of this if it was dropped in their laps over night. People have no idea just how bad the corruption really is. Just look at all of the pedophiles being rounded up. How many child traffickers have been brought to justice. Look at all of the resignations from all of the politicians and corporate executives. Some of the questions Q post are nothing more than answers with a question mark at the end of a sentence instead of a period. Plausible deniability is essential for what they are doing. The disinformation is crucial as to keep the black hats of the trail of what is actually being done. One of the biggest things behind Q is for people to open their own eyes and dig for the truth on their own. You will always believe what you find, over what some stranger finds that you do not know.

The qresearch autist have turned up some pretty disturbing facts. Each fact is verifiable with corresponding "sauce" IE links and documents to back up their findings. The idea behind Q is to find the truth. Knowing we cannot trust anything in the lame stream media, how else would you truly find the truth. Q team had to find a resource that was not easily swayed by the typical MSM doctrine. The autist on 8ch were the perfect fit. They don't take anyone's word as truth without the backing proofs that can be verified. Those who won't dig for the truth "normies", are the sheep the wolves "deep state" are preying on. The Patriots "sheepdogs" are doing what is needed to protect the sheep by exposing the wolves. The Q movement is much bigger than most can even imagine. It's gone world wide in a mater of months. It's a huge digital army all with the same objective, finding the truth and exposing the bad actors. We want our damn country back and we are hell bent on doing just that. There is only two ways to look at this, you are either part of the solution, or you ARE the problem! This is nothing more than good versus evil. Safe travels my friends. WWG1WGA!