Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
So when March comes and goes with nothing, I'll be back here to remind you how stupid this nonsense is.....and you'll still be a rube kicking the Qtard can down the road.

Why is March some kind of Q Deadline?

Please post up the drop stating such.

Not a Q guy per say but then again I can not figure out where you guys are getting such goofy thoughts.

It's weird.

Do your own research , go back read the posts from Jag, K, Whip and Hos, you will find what you seek.

Why would I research 24hr posts?

If your point is that some guys got a bit out over their skis who is to argue?

Q drops are what they are.

Post up the Pro CIA Q drops.

You are literally espousing a dumber idea that the CIA is running the Q PsyOp.

Q is a PsyOp but only a retard would think the CIA is trashing their Rep in being the source.


John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.