Originally Posted by WillARights
Yes K, the executive order about National Emergency fits the wholly treasonous international business activities of the CF, and her as SOS as I agreed and referenced in my post.

When did we prove she indeed sold the info? I mustve missed it.

An unsecure server is one thing, and suspicion that it was hacked by our enemies is not a stretch, considering all the recent happenings with our assests. But when did we leap to "confirmed"?

*searching abit It is confirmed China did embed something on HRC unsecure server, but did Ohr say she SOLD them?
I find no evidence of his testimony that dealt with China. All Steele, and the dossier, but no China.
And hacked info is not sold info.

** and has anyone seen the refereced ANNEX 1 to the new UCMJ trump issued?
I see no reference to American citizens, enemy combatants, or terrorists in the new directive.
Are we making an inference that the seditious players of the election will be labelled as "enemy combatants" which will allow them to be tried by military?
Still not foreign fighters overseas. Domestic American citizens.

U S Citizens on US soil, not on active military service, are not subject to anything in the UCMJ........ period.

Anyone WANTING it to be otherwise are not thinking clearly. Even Obama never went that far in abridging our Constitutional protections.

This thread has gone completely off the rails into weirdo land.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place