There's a guy right now who has been following this thread. He hasn't commented yet 'cause, frankly, he doesn't know what to think about all this. Deep inside, he's felt there isn't something right about his world but can't really put his finger on the why. Some of what is said in this thread is agitating that knowingness inside him, because truth resonates at one's core being. He subconsciously gets it, but he's been hanging around so many sheeple over the course of his lifetime that he too believes all the lies that create the illusion he adheres to which makes it so.

Welcome to the often referred to yet enigmatic "unused" part of your brain. Did you think it wasn't working all this time? Quite the contrary. Have you ever noticed what I call "black cloud" people? You know, the ones who always tell you about how bad things are and "things just seem to always happen to me?" Mishaps are their mantra. Why is it that those things they talk about most always seem to happen to them...far more often than it does for you and me? Heard of the law of attraction? As you think so shall it be? What if you used that as an offensive position and cultivated optimism, hope, joy and abundance? What if you MAGA'd to the max and, knowing you were an ambassador for the truth and a representative of the Trumpster, consciously chose your every move to reflect the gratitude and hope of our movement. Or are you ready to embody pessimism and argue the narrative which instills the limitations imposed by your handlers...known as fake news. What if you really did "love your neighbor as yourself" as God's word implores us to do?

I came here with a specific mission, because, in my mind, you, the "fire," was worth it. Because years ago I spent quite a bit of time here as a respite from the deep digging I was doing on the reality of how things really operate in this, [their] world. I learned a lot, built a few "fire" rifles, shared some stories, laughed, cried, and prayed with those in need. Also saw a lot of T&A thanks to (if memory serves me correctly) Savage 99's. grinLast few years I had other things to do, so didn't stop by much. The time was right, however, for me to share with a generally good and virtuous group of guys the "plan" to drain the swamp. The shills are expected. A minor contrivance given the gravity of the subject.

The guy at the beginning of the post. Let's say he "get's it" and tells a few friends. They MAGA together (hell, I haven't seen any of that happening lately. [bleep], it's a MAGA party out there) Winning Bigly. They have more faith that things are going to be okay in their country, are more informed and aware of how we've been, to put it mildly, "hoodwinked" for generations, and are generally more optimistic thanks to Q. Cool. It spreads rapidly from there, and that, my friends, is what a grassroots populace movement is all about. It's obvious I care about all this. The question is, do you?