Originally Posted by Whip
There is a great little book called "The Authority of the Believer." You can have all the AR's you want and 1000's of rounds to feed it, but without this weapon you truly are unprepared for the coming times. Not a doom and gloomer here, just stating facts and none but the Father knows the timing of The Day of The Lord. Spend time in the Word of God daily. Think of it like loading magazines for a big battle, only this battle is a daily one and it's always good to have them loaded [oil for your lamp].

whip, This sounds pretty Armageddon-like to me. Seems like every so often something about prepare for the conflagration stuff comes up. I don't study this stuff, just a passive observing sheeple. And Q stuff, at least what I've seen visiting this thread, is so cryptic you can read about anything you want into it. Had another smart remark but have sworn off. wink

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.