It's purely a guess, but I don't expect we'll hear from Q until just after or just before midterms. By my reckoning, these silent periods are effective on two fronts...1) It makes the DS nervous, as they too check the drops and this puts them in the dark...forces them to play their hand and take chances. 2) It forces Patriots/anons doing research to rely on themselves instead of Q (he continually states, trust yourself, we have the power) and it keeps them in the game individually/collectively. Meatspace, face to face, is where it happens, this transformation we are a part of. Talking to friends and neighbors, people you have contact with. Where are they at? Red pilled or not? Plant seeds, share the basics, begin the dialogue. We are all in this together. It's happening. Make sure to ask your peeps if they are voting and if not, implore them to. This next 2 weeks makes MAGA or breaks it.