I predict more of the same old [bleep] that we've grown accustomed/ became desensitized too. No unsealed indictments, no round up of corrupt .gov officials, no military tribunals etc.... Sessions is just the goofy fu.ck he appears to be, nothing less/more.
The events "Q" claims are unfolding behind the scenes gives disenfranchised, marginalized folks a glimmer of hope but unfortunately, also seems to have the negative effect of complacency in the sense that people feel it's being "taken care of" behind the scenes so just sit on your hands and wait. If you want to effect change, get out and become involved in getting like minded individuals involved in politics and voting at every level. Engage young people and give them a civil debate. Educating young millennials that have been brainwashed by public education and/or grown up in the entitlement system is the only chance we have to save our way of life. Even then, the chance that the country stays sovreign and revelant on the global stage is slim. We've already been convinced (by both parties) to cede too much of our liberty and power to the folks who want to destroy everything we stand for.