Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by K22
Psst. He'd have an Army of maybe 10. The rest would have better things to do like undermine a Gov. turn around, while rest would call it bogus.

How in the world does he fill up those rallies, then?
But by all means keep thinking that someone besides Trump and a small hand full of others are working to fix things for you...

Rally vs Civilian Army are two different things.
Hannity and Rush not saying it is one of the reasons we are in this mess. I think the word is "Fear". Fear of losing your job if you speak up, Fear of being labeled a Conspiracy Freak, Fear of losing ones position, and on and on and on. There have been many oportunities to stand up through the last 30 plus years that I am aware of. Any standers? Talk is cheap.

And now we have a Commander in Chief and an Army in Washington DC who are not afraid to speak or stand, but out in the hinderlands many can only name call and or disbelieve. But once again, so what else is new?