Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by jaguartx
I had to check in and see if you were still stuck on that dead horse. I hope you recover enough to enjoy the show before the movie is over. grin

Sorry, watching dozens of innocents being gunned down, knowing that a slight deviation from The Plan/Show could have stopped it, is not enjoyable to me.

The videos of late posted here pretty much confirm that Q knew what was going down. Sad.

I guess Q could adopt the phrase from her Highness Hillary and just refer to the Dead as “Bumps in the Road”.

So right. I can't see much difference between Trump, Q, or Hillary. And Q said we know everything don't ya know. Of course we don't know what that was in reference to, but hey, no sweat, as long as we believe it was in reference to what we want it to be in reference that is all that counts. Right! Can I get an amen here?! Come on now, if Q knows all that we know all!!! Right!? Logical thinking.................Right!!!