Not long into the Q journey, it became pretty clear to me that Q is a Trump administration social media effort modeled after the National EnQuirer. A way to put unfiltered information out there for the masses to consume and investigate. Everything about Q is very Trumpesque:

Trump has a history or using pseudonyms to get a narrative in the press: see John Barron
Trump has a close relationship and understands the business plan behind the National Enquirer.
Trump understands how to create an entertaining story story line to draw public interest : Professional Wrestling / The Apprentice.

Trump understands the MSM hates him and will never be won over. This is his way to knife them in the back. Remember how all the big established media used to ridicule the National Enquirer and sites like Drudge? When the John Kerry and Monica Lewinsky stories finally made the MSM they acted like the stories weren't broken way ahead of time by the Enquirer and Drudge. The only time Q is mentioned by the MSM it's in the context of "the far right conspiracy theory Qannon" I'm guessing Trump is licking his chops anticipating just the right time to throw Q in their face.

Having said all that, it's important to understand that many of the craziest conspiracy theories attributed to Q are either just wacko annons trying to get their 15min of fame or intentional shills trying to discredit Q. As Q repeats often : question everything. Q also understands that the entertainment value of the crazy stories draws attention, Just like the Baby Space Alien story on the front page of the EnQuirer right next to the story about John Kerry.

One thing is certain, nearly every "Breaking Story" I read via the establishment news sites, including Breitbart, Rantingly and Drudge, etc, have been discussed, in depth, weeks or months previously via the Q boards.

TLDR: Q is technically a Larp, but Q is Trump's Larp.