Q is all about failed prophesies, choppy, vague, and empty promises, missed predictions and deadlines. (D5, Hillary extradition, Trump’s big military parade, martial law, JFK Jr, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc)

And his loyal Qists continue to frantically defend him in a cultish fashion that is quite pathetic.

The only certain thing about Q is that he is a Larper who doesn’t know anything except how to fool sheeple.

This scammer is a continual disappointment and a false prophet. When are you Qbers going to wake up and realize this clown is making it up as he goes along.

Qbers got scammed and lied to but don’t want to accept THAT truth. They are STILL trusting the phantom fantasy Q as if he were some type of idol or god.

The pain of realizing they have been scammed may be greater than the pain of continuing to believe in the scam. Perhaps that is why cultists stay with the cult.