Couple of Quick Questions?
1. How many saw the videos of the 3 am arrests at the Capital recently. You know the one where the buildings were dark and the grounds lit up with flood lights and headlights of the black Suburbans and big busses that were bussing people away? There appeared to be only two people filming from different locations outside the fence and no MSM there. All being run by the military and US Marshals. It was over around 5AM.
The person commenting stated the Marshals were making arrests for Tribunals and he spotted multiple Military legal teams leaving their vehicles and walking into the buildings.

2. Then this week, comments by observers on the two and four black Suburban teams racing around DC with Sirens and lights on . It was reported that most were two car teams , but some four car teams .
The inference were US Marshals making arrests.

I was enjoying the films so much that I forgot to make note of the source and now I can not locate it again.

CRS, NRA Benefactor Life Member, Whittington Center, TSRA, DWWC, DRSS
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