Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by WhiteTail48
Q is a controlled opposition game spun out of control that has cleverly and intentionally played the players. Q has cleverly and deceptively mixed military, political, religious, and weird conspiracies into a movement/cult of paranoia, fear, hate, delusion, and false hopes.

There is no proof of a Q alliance with the military. If anything, Q’s claims have exploited and degraded the credibility of well-intentioned military men and women, not to mention our veterans, with false, deceptive intentions. With Q, one sees through a glass darkly. Nothing but secrets, lies, and deception. Everything with Q is in the dark, in secrecy, hidden coded messages, hocus-procus mumbo-jumbo cryptic gibberish.

I hate to see good people victimized and deceived by the lying false prophet “Q”.

Still haven't installed windows yet eh.
The many veterans I know, including myself, are on board. The deceptive intentions come from your side of the fence as we see it. But hey, Q, Trump, the Digital Army needs to put things right out in the open for the normies and the enemy to view so they know what's coming and can prepare accordingly. Wouldn't want to surprise them ya know. It would be so unfair and they might get upset.
To f*&cking funny.

Surely you jest! Q is a master manipulator of propaganda and secret cryptic messages to brainwash the gullible into unquestioning obedience. Why do you think you are triggered and react as you do when questioned?

The propaganda and conspiracy theories are so twisted with the theology and religion of Q. Qism requires full allegiance of his/her followers to trade their view of reality for their master Q’s reality. If yyou don’t, you are a sheep. Truth is Q’s truth: up is down, down is up. Whatever Q says is truth, just like on the cults.

One can only be a patriot or a sheep with the puppet master Q—no in between. Either one is a die-hard Qber or an anti-Qber sheep. Q believers are good; anti-Q-believers are evil. Qbers are seeking light (down a dark rabbit hole), but anti-Qbers are supposedly seeking the dark.

You have an unreal unwavering, rabid commitment to your gangster boss “Q”. Unreal, and sadly funny!! And we shall soon see just who gets the last laugh, won’t we, K22?