Yet ANOTHER wacko conspiracy theorist taken over by a dark side. David Icke claims the moon controls our mind and is a reptilian base. Reptilians control humanity’s sense of reality, and humans are the food source of the Reptilians. Reptilians control us via hacked information transmitted from the moon. The Reptilian theme is Icke’s sticking point.

He and many Qbers believe some people (Hillary, George Bush, and Queen Elizabeth) are hiding behind human forms as hybrids, but are in fact reptiles. The Reptilian race is taking over in a Reptilian world, and we all have Reptilians brains.

The earth and the human mind are manipulated from the moon, a spacecraft and inter dimensional portal the Reptilians control. The moon matrix is a frequency range, and the moon is a portal where entities enter a different reality.

Can’t make this stuff up!!! The Qbers are into some dark dark dark sick thinking and far down the dark rabbit hole in their own alternate reality world.