Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by plumbum
K22 and jag, I am late to this particular issue, but do you believe there are werewolves?

Dumbfughk, I told you the truth was going to come out on you Bidet Crime family traitors who got $35 million from Chyna and $5 million from Ukraine by prostituting themselves influence peddling and selling the US out. K22 info told you too yet you and Gayghost and Lostinhell and Houston_2 consider them patriots. Do you know why? It's because you are all dumbfughks.

We have another bunch of Campfire dumbasses who also pushed the BS that nothing was happening, being too stupid to connect the dots and see there is a method to the madness.

The real Patriots on the Fire will like the way the DNC and this movie ends.

It's too bad you and your crew are too stupid to get a clue.

Jag I asked politely if you and K22 believe in werewolves. A simple "yes" or "no" would have sufficed. No tirade needed. Sounds like I hit a nerve though, and you reflexively lashed out.

But it's not too late.

Jag, do you believe there are werewolves?

Yes or no. Either will do, just please tell the truth.

Last edited by plumbum; 06/15/23.