Originally Posted by WhiteTail48
Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by plumbum
Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by WhiteTail48
We don’t know who or what is coming, but we do know (or should know) GOD is in control, not Trump, not Q, but the Almighty God. I hope He has mercy on us.

Makes you wonder who He keeps sending and ya'll keep ignoring.

Well we are warned about false prophets, so there's that too.

I doubt God would have sent Trump, he consorted with loose women and it was not about forgiveness of sin. It was about 'grabbing them in the pussy.' He is certainly free to be a cheating womanizer, like Bill Clinton, JFK and others, but that does kinda mean he's no Messiah. And for the record, I am not fit for that job either.
According to some prophecies I heard He/She did. Don't forget, someone consorted with woman, a virgin, and got a Jesus/Easus. What's good for the goose doesn't seem good for the gander. Then of course there's that dude named Judah who consorted with a loose woman and became the Lion tribe of Judah. Then Abraham directed to give his wife to Abimelech, a King and by deceit no less. So ya, that God, whatever it's name is, doesn't give a flying f*&ck who consorts and who doesn't, he'll/she'll make them a prophet or a King or whatever.

Your references to the Holy, Sovereign, Almighty God and His beloved Son, Jesus, are outrageously blasphemous. You have blasphemed the Living Holy God but continue to elevate your virtual god, Q, along with your lesser newer god, Ariel.

Your and your gods promote and spread fear, paranoia, delusion, and lots of disinformation. Your god Q tries hard to blend Christian faith and scripture into her/his unhinged, fanatical political movement to try to give it credibility, but you outright reject and mock Christianity and scripture. Q would be disappointed in one of his/her faithful followers not following suit. God’s Word isn’t a trail of stale breadcrumbs that lead people astray down a dark deep rabbit hole. Trusting God’s Word will counter false prophets’ lies until our Savior Jesus returns.

You continue to mock Jesus Christ as you continue to promote and embrace incoherent, delusional Qism and now Arielism conspiracies and gibberish. Qbers want us to actually believe the fate of our country rests in the super secret and privileged knowledge of your god, Q.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus. John 14:6. There is only one way to God—through Jesus Christ.

Which Almighty God are you talking about? Got a name?
Are you still triggered or have you calmed down.
Do you have a date as to when this Jewish guy with a Greek name returns? Or, did you miss it?