Pretty evident that there are perimeters in the only 2 sides allowed of the coin. You are either a Conservative or a Liberal, nothing in between. And to be a Conservative there are rules, there will be no esoteric or mystic believing, the box only has one or two windows, nothing more. And to be a Christian there are rules, pretty much the same rules that apply to Conservatives with one exception, esoteric or mystic believing is allowed IF it applies ONLY to the characters in a book called the Bible. Any of those characters are allowed to perform esoteric or mystic events, but no one, absolutely no one or no thing is allowed no matter what. If they are caught doing so it is nothing more than smoke and mirrors, BS, a sleigh of hand, but certainly not ever to be believed. Demonic entities performing bad things are only allowed to do so in the book. Light beings/Angelic beings are only allowed to do good things in that same book. And never ever forget that there are rules for interpreting and understanding said book and the wardens of those rules must be conservative (with its rules) and Christian (with its rules), and must have a degree of sorts from an accepted school of higher learning that is ordained by the wardens of the rules.
So, any of you others who don't follow these rules need to bugger off and stop confusing those who follow the rules with esoteric or mystic happenings. And never forget the main rule, if the News Media didn't report it, it never ever happened.
Funshooter, NoDak, Jag, and others, stop confusing the rule followers with events that don't follow the rules. It is to confusing for the followers and to far out there to be believed.

And I had expected better out Phillip Nesmith, but I am aware that my expectations of fellow man are a bit to high.