Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by WhiteTail48

Believers have always known God wins. God’s Word told us that way before Q did or Ariel did, LOL!

True, we just didn't know if it was with the Battle of Armageddon and after the Mellinium or before, as in the Days of Noah.

Looks to me like HE'S going to win right here on earth well before then.

Looks to me like HE entered the Battle for Humanity in 2015 and sent us DJT as HE did the Southern Empire of Judah, Benjamin and half the Levites when HE destroyed Ancient Babylon with HIS man King Cyrus who HE sent to rescue them.

One would know if they studied God’s Word instead of Q’s azz…you’re missing lots of Biblical prophetic steps.

Trust God or trust Q, your free-will choice, just as your Q partner K22 has rejected Jesus and God’s Word..his free-will choice….thousands have done the same…

Unreal, sad, and pathetic…