Originally Posted by DMc
Originally Posted by jaguartx

Unreal. POS Flynn and Powell fooled me.
What's worrisome is the CYA so easily infiltrated the Patriots....

Makes me wonder if Ariel is a psyop, since he was promoting universal income.

I would take a step back and look at this from a different angle. We have been so brainwashed concerning income, i.e. free income, that we cannot understand what actually is being promoted. As an example, we have been taught, brainwashed you could say, by the Cabal as to what Communism is, but it was the Cabal who gave us Communism, it was the Cabal who gave us the definition of Communism, it was the Cabal who showed us how evil Communism was/is and how it doesn't work in the peoples favor, and it was the Cabal who took the income from the people, didn't give it to the poor but instead kept it for themselves, but created more monies out of thin air and used that to give to the poor while causing the working class to slowly become poor with taxes, higher cost of living, and minor pay increases.
It would be almost impossible for those who were taught this to see clearly what the universal income is really all about.
Unlearn everything you ever learned and understand fully that every thing you see, hear, etc. is an illusion. The Cabal has created such a complete matrix/illusion, that most of what we think is reality is not.
I'm hoping someone else can come along and maybe explain this better than I did.
Everything that has been given to us in all the different forms, such as education for one, was given to us by the Cabal. Think about that.