Originally Posted by AKwolverine
Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by jaguartx

As I have posted on the Fire before, I think Trump is going to hang our illegitimate national debt around the illegitimate govts Corporare neck, namely the Rothschilds, and tell them to poud sand.

Our legitimate government, the Republic and its Constitution will be debt free.

The question is, do Trump and the Patriots (Military) let the Vatican keep the 10 or 12 square miles it bought of DC or do they finally take it to court to fight to keep it?

Some say the Capitol will be moved to ___ _______ buy I won't say it. No need to have Dumbasses and snowflakes stroke out.

My contention is the Corporate Act of 1871 was foisted on We, The People illegally through Fraud and US and International Law rule that "Fraud Vidiates All."

Trump has already completed that, but the Normies news media is not going to tell them yet.

In what reality?

Don't worry about it Normie, nothing to see here, move along.