Man if you guys haven’t seen the bill in blue dress and w with the planes and the downed towers is such old news. Amazing these bozos are questioning this at all let alone now. Like that’s how far behind these guys are or straight up working fir the bad guys. Just wow.

Enjoy the alien card show, guess the mall in Florida is a start lol. But the narrative has been prepping for it all this time and especially so the past couple years. That ‘illusion’ is from the bad side. Pay attention folks. That’s how all this works. Epstein list is out so play alien card to distract people away from that.

See how the news does it’s thing? Please look here, there’s more drama here...please don’t look here.

The playbook is so obvious now. And good luck continuing to tie all narratives to q stuff, that game is up also.

We are winning the game folks, because we’re learning the game now. The kept the game from ‘we the people’ and distracted us at every turn and including turning us against each other as other distraction methods...the two party divide.