Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by stinkycoyote
For everyone, hear whatever you need to hear...

Updates from one of 3 you should be following

I especially like the part about the American population as the largest silent army in the world and if activated in any coordinated way good luck to the enemy. This should hit home when you factor in your open borders and now 10 million minimum that have come into your country over this attack. Can you connect the dots folks? This is gonna be biblical, it already is. The event is ongoing and building for years now.

You’re welcome


it's coming.


What are you talking about Drop , Drip , Flood

The Flood is here for those that have been watching with open eyes

Deniers will Deny and fight to keep other peoples eyes closed because they refuse accept what they see because they do not want to be the only ones to say nothing is happening.

They need their emotional support group to survive.