Well well your little 'groid "prophet" now claims Lin Wood has "library video" proof of "government officials AND US SPECIAL FORCES soldiers abusing and killing" children!!! Wouldnt immediately releasing said footage and exposing the perps HELP children who are currently enduring or will endure such crimes, and also wouldnt having such videos and hiding them or ANYONE having direct knowledge of someone having such "evidence" and not pushing releasing it mean they are complacent with such activities??? Ariel also claims M Flynn etc tried to sue him because he shares such "information". More than likely he would be sued for slander based on such wild unevidenced claims!!!

How you guys believe and parrot such BS based solely on the rantings of the whack job "Ariel" escapes myself and most others with a functioning brain!!!

Most of the original Q believers have long abandoned the "movement" due to seeing the lack of "predictions" coming to fruition, said "predictions" and "prophets" growing increasingly absurd and outlandish etc etc. What is left are small group of fervent kooks who mindlessly buy into anything they believe fits the "narrative"
This is evidenced even right here where on a site with a LARGE cross section membership of mostly conservative, generally not the most trusting of government type members, where only a VERY few members post postive thoughts of Q and the other "prophets" and their message!!!
It is also telling that the "doubters" willingly post verifiable FACTS refuting the Qber posts and will engage in being questioned, while the "believers" resort to name calling etc, or simply post another barrage of links, memes etc!