This article sums things up pretty nicely.

"You know, I have some serious training in hypnotics and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). In hypnotics and a certain area of NLP, the facilitator speaks to the person's subconscious (unconscious). It's not that hard to understand, once you have the background. Moreover, our unconscious mind is an incredibly untapped resource. For example, someone who uses their intuition and gut feelings is often being guided by the unconscious mind to truths that are hard to explain in a conscious, intellectual way.

As I read your post and explanation, and listen to Potus, it seems clear to me that this (hypnotic unconscious) is one very important reason why the Cabal and other Satanic forces utilize symbolism, imagery, messages hidden in plain view, etc. It's all about hypnotic mind control, undermining and enslaving the power of our unconscious mind to subvert our waking mind.

A truth seeker and truth sharer does the opposite. A truth sharer and revealer works to liberate your conscious mind by empowering and liberating your unconscious mind as well. (This is why Christ used parables; to set the mind of his listeners free so they might realize the ultimate truth)

Q gives us facts, messages to trigger our critical thinking AND by doing so, works to liberate both our conscious and unconscious mind. There's a reason why we call it the Great Awakening. Q's work (and Trump's work, and our work) is all about 'waking people up' from the hypnotic stupor that the Cabal and evil, evil forces have been layering on us day by day, year by year, decade by decade.

There are many different angles to look at all this, but at least one useful one is this: "learn our comms" is also about learning how the White Hats also combat the Black hats on their chosen field of battle - and learning to correctly identify HOW evil is subvertying and manipulating the populations. Q184 " Their need for symbolism will be their downfall."

In the President' speech, he drops hints, clues, gives signs. To an awake person, those signs and messages are clear. He is speaking to us on a level just slightly below the conscious. Those who know, get it. Those who don't, who are still asleep, simply don't tune in to that channel."