"For the show’s audience who fully hates Trump, it may be enough of a comfort to have the opportunity to laugh at his expense."


Just watched the first episode of this on Showtime. Written by Stephen Colbert. Before Q, I probably would have got my hackles up and griped about how, if this were done to Obama, there'd be hell to pay. Now I just have to laugh that a)they actually think POTUS is incredibly stupid (appear weak when you are strong, Sun Tzu, and an epic trolling/misdirect job by Trump) and b) the quote at the beginning of the post. Says it all. They're blissfully clueless. The absolutely hilarious part of all this is that they will be caught so unawares that, not only is Trump not going to be impeached, their heroes of worship will be shown clearly for the usurpurs they are. What will they do? Heads will explode.

Pop your popcorn folks. Enjoy the show.

Last edited by Whip; 09/13/18.