Originally Posted by Whip
Of course you already know the answer to your question, but I'll humor you...
One who loves, supports, and defends one's country.

Pretty simple, right Rufus? No mention of a cult. Feel better now? Here's another definition for you.
A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
The followers of such a religion or sect.
A system or community of religious worship and ritual.

If you are attempting a good natured poke in the ribs with your comment, I do admit to getting a chuckle out of it. For so many of us Q represents a great hope that our objective of reclaiming our country from the steady societal and moral decay that began in the 60's might be realized. I took the time to discern for myself (the only one that I'm responsible for) the validity and truth of the information that Q offered. Have you done the same? This has nothing to do with predictions or "nostradumbass" though much of what he has said has happened. (Good one, BTW) Q uses the socratic method of asking questions and letting the reader make the connections and discover the truth for themselves. He doesn't preach or demand that you believe anything as Q respects and embodies the ideas of freedom and liberty for all individuals. Q even says that many will not want to know the truth and the decision to know/not know is up to us. Thanks to our current tech, we have the ability like we never have before to seek out and find this open source information for ourselves. Q has told us things also that were misinformation as he/they are aware that the bad guys have eyes on this entire operation. Research further spycraft and you'll realize that, in many ways, we are living in a Jason Bourne movie as this all unfolds. You didn't really think those movies were all make believe, did you? The reality of how the trade is currently practiced would put even the movies to shame. The fact that many of Q's inferences later come true or play out in the news only validates that this is a real, purpose driven op designed to give we, the people, the knowledge and power to WAKE UP and DEMAND we be allowed to exercise our freedoms and liberty that were endowed to us by our Creator.

Thousands of researchers/seekers of truth, who call themselves anons, are "digging" for this information every day since this began 24/7. FOR FREE. Their only purpose is to discover and disseminate the truth for the benefit of all humanity. What they have accomplished in the last few months is nothing short of amazing. If you are interested in witnessing this process as it unfolds, just go here (https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html) and scroll down to the current general research thread which will have a picture of the Marines raising the flag at Iwo Jima. There are 750 comments per thread, so you will have to expand the replies to see everything that's being said. You will only see a few posts, but the option to expand the thread is just below those few posts. You might also want to read the "First time on 8 chan" info which is the top header at the site. Know that 8chan is one of the last remaining venues of free speech on the internet, therefore, anything goes. Don't be surprised if you see some things that are shocking, i.e. "gore porn" which is posted by shills attempting to disrupt the anons. They are very thick skinned though, so it really doesn't faze them.

Lastly, if you keep an open mind about this and are truly, as the definition above clarifies, a Patriot, you just might find that you too are drawn to "enjoy the show." Notice I said open mind. This is a prerequisite for taking this course. Without it, you behave like a good sheep and enable the very nameless ones that have sought to control and enslave you for your entire lives. Ignorance is the enemy in this fight. This is not a judgement or intended to be disrespectful on my part. Good people, your neighbors and family, have been good sheep and asleep for generations. Fortunately this is changing, in many ways thanks to Q, and our numbers are growing every day.

Also, if you have any real questions and can refrain from the high school name calling mentality, I would be happy to take time away from my day and family to answer them to the best of my knowledge. Deal?

Here ya go cur ,