God bless you, Jag. I wish I shared the optimism someones going to jail.

Ok, so they get 3-5 years, instead of 25 years, for never blowin the whistle they were being blackmailed, and needed protection once they did.

They were content to not rock the boat, and let a whole nation, America, founder?? Now its 10 years. Fugg em.

Are we all going to be satisfied with just exposing all the players of this coup, and no one being held accountable by jailing them? Weve been on that chitty end of the stick for decades.
They've ALREADY been exposed and known for some time.
And THIS particular crime is the crimeiest crime of all - not just sweetheart deals and perks, and money on top of money, on top of taxpayer abuse and waste by bloated beaucracy.

This is the usurpation of a whole nations founding documents, and principles.
A direct (permanent?) disenfranchisement of the electorate by subterfuge.

Nobody goes to jail, everything - free election, free america, politicians and their rhetoric become irrelevant and unnecessary, and America is ungoverned. There is only a police state tamping down anarchy.

Last edited by WillARights; 09/26/18.

Trump HAD the World, ", Trump saw our children, "
Trump saw a way to make a brighter day so he started giving
There was a choice he was making, he was saving our own lives
Its true he made a brighter day for you and me. --Trump WINS 2016