Originally Posted by jk16
You pathetic little butt hurt Q critics are sad.

You are continually led to water (Q is about HINTS not predictions) but TOO STUPID to GET A CLUE.


I have read your silly posts here sbout Trump , Impeachment ,Mueller etc etc for a few years . I could put your limited grasp of how our government and legal system works into a VERY SMALL thimble. You are pathetic. Your posts on this thread are actually no more constructive than Paddler ,JeffO and the rest of the libcunts on this site.

Like I said, IF you are a conservative or Republican ( which I truly doubt) tjen you are too damn DUMB to know when we are WINNING. Which makes you pretty worthless .

You need to contact to Soros so you could get paid to carry signs with libtard slogans and rub your vagina in public.

No comment from me.. whistle laugh

It's a great life if you don't weaken..