An Anons biggest issue with Q...................

"My biggest issue is that I can no longer feign ignorance.

I used to be "blah" about so many issues. I didn't care about Roe V Wade and it's implications. I didn't care too much about personal voice and freedom cause I thought that FB and Twitter gave me all that. I didn't know there was money in absolutely every thought we hear from the MSM till I saw how they ALL went after their common threat; our great president.

I don't hate myself for my past ignorance but what Q gave me was a choice. And once you make the choice to be ignorant, from this point on, then it is while a different story. Then you are spiritually complicit. Then you are emotionally torn. You can't cry later you didnt suspect the underbelly being there. You can't cry when you see the horror. You can't scream when you are trapped. You CHOSE to ignore it.

Simply put, ever since Q and the movement of these amazing pedes, I have begun to cherish life more, including taking a stance against abortion. Why would a stupid LARP do this to me? It didnt. I simply saw how they all reacted to Kavanaugh when their supply of something was being threatened by a nomination. This as the breaking point for that particular issue on a profound level for me. Why so scared? Why so panicked? Why so hateful? They soooo badly NEEEEEEEEED this right to for a woman to choose. It's not even one of the original bill of rights that they've been so eager to weaken and dissolve but THIS, THIS MATTERS? Interesting. The reaction doesn't fit the narrative. I BADLY need my first and second amendment but they didnt react like that when it was being taken away and censored. So why the panic? Ask yourself why you saw what you did. What was being threatened?

Ever since Q and this amazing group of international pedes I have grown to respect our actual diversity and not the fake globalist version. How about we respect people right to self determine and not open all the cages in a zoo and call it global". People need time to trust each other - people need to be willing, you can't force these things so the globalists pulled their card too quick and it is all coming shattering down. world.

But Q didn't pull any "quick ones" on me. Q didn't force me into anything. Q didn't run ads non stop on your twitter feed like Beto does. Q didn't censors voices on youtube. Q didn't push a narrative down your throats. Q didn't try to say he is 1/1024 important. You were free to read. Free to decide, free to choose. And, yes, free to shill.

Now, if there is a chance that someone out there is waiting for our rescue and all it took was to support some good guys cleaning up my mess - no effort more than to change your perspective a bit and vote the right way to get it done - I see Q as an honest question to society "Which way do you want things to go?" is what I hear. It is really that easy and up to us.

You will only ever need to live with yourself after all this is said and done. So it turns out my biggest issue with Q was that I had to first ask myself some serious questions.

My biggest issue with Q was I."