Originally Posted by jackmountain
At some point you have to come to terms with the fact that you, as an individual , are inconsequential. Your vote has the same chance of making a difference as you have a chance of winning that 1.6 billion Powerball. You're much better off spending all that mental energy figuring out how to adapt to the ever changing political/economic climate and operate under the ever changing rules of the game to take advantage of whatever opportunities are available to maximize your earnings potential. The majority of people sat around during the recession wringing their hands and placing blame for their misfortune while a small percentage saw the opportunities it offered. You're not going to change the game, but you can learn to play the odds and beat the house.

It's either that or be willing to commit violence and take the consequences whatever they may be. Physical violence is the only way to change the status quo at this point.

Can't you walk and chew bubble gum at the same time? Sure, we all had to adjust our lives to what the reality of the Obama years was. That doesn't preclude us from getting informed and voting. And if you think individual votes are inconsequential, I would remind you of Florida in 2000. If everyone thought like you, HRC would be President.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.