Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by K22
One man's "red october" is another mans disappointment.
Stealth bombers never announce their bombing run.
Husseins early announcements was what we liked. Gave the fluffy fuzzy warm feeling of being in control and on top of it all.
Stealth bombing is cheating..............................to some.

[b]What's you Red October?
1st off id say the 68 judges nominated including 1 SCOTUS, 2nd I see more repubs out an angry about what the left is trying to pull, 3rd early voting is clearly going red , 4th dems are panicked enuff to try this bombgate scandel (Qpredicted) 5thPOTUS giving UN notice that America comes 1st, 6th lindsey Graham found his balls, 7th The NATION seen the true nature of the democrat party on display at the Kav confirmation hearing, 8th the NATION sees the lefts mob practices for what they are, 9th the NATION learned who G Soros represents, 10th POTUS is sending troops to our border, thats only part of my red oct,,thats alot an not all,thats not including the trade agreements and santions leveed, I can be patient, Ill see if Sessions will come out of his cave, Ill wait for the fisa docs to be opened, He said on the Ingram Angle he would release them somtime after mid terms,, I see movement,, I'd like more too but Im not privy to the whole plan so I watch try to interpret an read between the lines,,