After the next 2 years of the dems exhibitionism, they probly wont win a dog catcher runoff,, What CAN they really do and accomplish that wont bite them in the ass? If they touch anything they will taint and fall on their heads, I dont know the plan ,, but theyve got some rope and now Im betting they hang theirselfs, If they resist investigations theyll be meddeling, they cant promote Mueller because he has the keys to their demise,, they cant pass too much crap because of the senate,if they sit on their hands and resist and do nothing they will be seen as downing what was booming economy, crashing jobs,raising taxes,,,etc,, Its my thinking that will be seen crying for the rain and bitching about the mud,,Lets see their actions NOW on immigration with Hannible at the souther gates,, and more reenforcements heading north,, lets see their stance on human trafficing an Iran an NK,Russia Tariffs(working bigly),, Im betting they cant touch SHAT without it stickin to their fur,,Playin chess, One has to sacrifice a couple pcs,(2yrs of lame dck) in order to find check mate(2020) Look for FISA,Mcabe ,and lots of stuff we have NO idea about to come floating to the top,, I wish we could of done this the easy way also, but Im NOT phased, my Prez needs my backing NOW more than EVER, I will not flinch, I will not blink, I will stand firm,, WILL YOU? Dont stand around wringing your hands,Continue to educate yourself and others,Red pill everyone you can,We need more patriots, This is a war of attrition,not a skirmish,,WAT many are not getting is that WE are part of the STORM,,