Originally Posted by WhiteTail48
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Hahaha. I can believe you or i can believe Q and K22.

You can continue to believe the prognosticator Q, the same ghostly Q that claimed Hillary would first be extradited and then arrested on 10-30-17, that Podesta would be indicted on November 3, that Abedin would be indicted November 6, and many many many more drops that just fizzled out or were just outright lies.

Q's favorite phrase is "next week". Something big is always going to happen next week. Like sheep, some of you just keep blindly following this joker wherever he leads. Why put so much faith and hope into an illusion like Q. Now that's hilarious.

Enjoy the show. Q is quite hilarious. It's just fun and games to the Q clown. This might end up being a cult best seller.

An yet here you are still checking in,still clinging to every word, still tsk tsking keeping your options open by reading an hoping the Q drops bear fruit,all the while claiming innocence by disclaimer that the Q deal isnt real or doing its inteded pupose,, just like the sheeple, you are useing Q as a fact based every word must be true or else none of it can be true philosophy,, Jeff Flake much? If your still hanging around and havnt figured it out yet let me help ya out,, DONT believe evry thing you read at face value ,, Q is a wake up call, Its really to help you inform yourself,give you a direction to focus YOUR OWN research in, DIg news out of the depths of the internet that you would normally pass on by, Why? because thats where the deep state players bury it,, Lots of good reporting out there, but it get squashed,buried, overlooked,, dis info is neccesary,, somtimes you have to do your own work, you havta pick the flyshit outta black pepper,you must learn to read between the lines, but too many sheeple want it easy an handed to them, thats why the saying goes "if God didnt want them sheared He wouldnt have made them sheep" If you use your common sense, and some work ethics, you WILL find in these Q drops, a starting point for your own research,, If however you hang on every word as the gospel according to Q,well then your gonna always be the one wantin and crying that its all false,, If sombody is spoonfeeding you, you have no choice but eat wat they want you to, If however you feed(inform)yourself then you are taking responsability for yourself, Either way you choose,One day everyone will come awake, but right now too many are hitting snooze Funny you mentioned sheep,, when by your own omission you are the one getting sheared by not researching your own truth and leaving it up to others,,but then when I see your profile pic I see what should be obvious too all, a white flag

Last edited by hosfly; 11/11/18.