Originally Posted by K22
It is possible that Obama is in trouble. March madness?
https://www.dcclothesline.com/2019/...t-eligible-to-work-in-the-united-states/ why,,,yes,, yes it is,, The past ,month since Barrs appoint,,,theres lots more breaking news on zero's and hilldibeast's seditionist,treasonous, backstabbing and weaponizing through alphabet agencies,I cant put my finger on it but I read somwhere,that sombody in the know,said that this info had to be delt to the public slowly as to not cause the left to unravel,,,, I guess its because they dont find their news from reliable outlets,and are spoon fed thru the tv tube,, spoon fed tube fed id say,,,

Last edited by hosfly; 03/15/19.