I guess I see booms in a diff way,,Potus claiming treason on some,Italy giving up the goods on Brennan,Pelosi now claiming a crisis at the border,cal dams on high alert,f16 falls out of the sky,,austraila politicos are evened up and jockying for position, BUT dammitall hill and bill are are stillnot arrested and walking around,,even going on speaking tours arounf=d the country,(at deflated ticket prices) dang you Q I wanna see arrests,, and I want em NOW!!!!!! I have a key board so IM RIGHT!!!!! Do this when I want it dang it,,, all you do is point out news stories to "lure" me and other suckers into trying to think for our self,,, MY TV says all this aint happening so YOU are WRONG,,, sheesh I just wanna be a sheeple,and hav my arrest's,,