Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by hosfly
Off topic post here,,,NON Q RELATED!!!! Do any of you guys have Guinne's? My father in law has 3 and they are the squackingest,loudest,complaingingest,most useless fowl to hav around there is,, and I have NO idea why he puts up with them,, They roam among the rest of the birds, and do nothing but try an steal watever the other chikens find,where one goes they all 3 go and dont contribute a thing,, no eggs no meat,nothing,,they holler at top decibles any time another animal communicates with theirselves,, Everybody dislikes them,and have no idea why Mitch puts up with them,, He just says it takes all kinds,and if it werent for the bastards of the bird world you wouldnt notice the good ones as much,, IDK,, I think they just like to make noise to try to be relevant,,,

grin laugh

That puts me in mind of something, just can't remember who. LOL

Guinnes's are about worthless, now on the other hand Guinness has some real value. wink

Hostfly- no mistaking it. Those are guinea's all right. They are kind of cool if you aren't having to be around them a lot. Buddy had some and I got to hating them but years before I knew about them a bunch marched through our deer camp before sun-up and none of us knew WTF was going on. We never saw them and felt it was something out of X-files.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius