Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by mtnsnake
Time is running out. It is running out on President Trump. No one has been indicted, no one is charged, Democrats are being briefed by the obama administration. The illegals are coming across the border at about 1 million a month. The democrats have started printing the ballots for 2020 already. The democrats are diluting the USA voters by the millions. The democrats will not accept another lost in 2020. It is long passed time for action.

Look at it this way.
Trump is not in charge, the Deep State is.
His orders get ignored, by those he appointed to key positions, they take orders from the Deep State, not the president.
Trump promised to drain the swamp, he quickly found out that the drain plug is guarded by the Deep State and he is powerless to pull it.

His base was promised the drain plug would be pulled, so they are expecting/demanding he does as he promised, but he can’t.

So what does he do?
He creates a plan to calm the masses, to create an excuse that his base will accept. Enter Q.

“Trust the Plan” was created to fool his base into believing that the drain plug will be pulled (later) but it takes time, we must be patient, the Patriots are on it, be patient, trust the Deep State members of his cabinet, it’s all misdirection, be patient, BOOM is coming, but the time is not right, I’m on it, be patient, trust the plan, I need more time, blah-blah-blah-blah.

In reality, their is no plan, cept the plan to trick his base into believing their is a plan.
What a load of horseshit,, lol so steve using your logic,, If you bend the knee to Allmighty God,, and pray for a million dollars and he dont poof it to you in the time you alotted Him, God would be fake and a larp? But if God, worked you into good health, a better path to a good hi paying job,as YOU could handle it and gradually help yourself make that million HE would still be a fake larp conspiracy BUT Because YOU wanted it now not gradually as you could handle it sanely and responsibly,HE has to be a Larp,,?? Friend this post says it all about you,,